Volume 4, Issue 2

SPECIAL ISSUE: The materiality of Resistance: Resistance of cultural-material artefacts and bodies

Published in 2018


Riots during the 2010/11 Tunisian Revolution: A Response to Case’s Article in JRS Vol.4 Number 1
Craig S. Brown
Dawson Barrett: The Defiant: Protest Movements in Post-Liberal America - Book review
Matthew W. Johnson
Arlie Russell Hochschild: Strangers in Their Own Land - Book review
Matthew W. Johnson
Lester R. Kurtz and Lee A. Smithey, ed. The paradox of repression and nonviolent movements - Book review
Majken Jul Sørensen
Kevin Van Meter: Guerrillas of Desire: Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible - Book review
Sarah Freeman-Woolpert
Judith Butler: Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly - Book review
Lena Martinsson
Mona Lilja
Anna Johansson
The Materiality of Resistance: Resistance of Cultural-Material Artefacts and Bodies
Anna Johansson
Mona Lilja
Lena Martinsson
Resistance, Materiality and the Spectre of Cartesianism: A Contribution to the Critique of Feminist New Materialism
Evelina Johansson Wilén
Carl Wilén
Travelling Artefacts: The Role of Recognition, Belongings and Acts of Resistance
Mona Lilja
Lena Martinsson
Constituting Self-Violent Resistance: Materiality, Embodiment, and Speech Acts
Brandon Sims


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