Journal of Resistance Studies (JRS)
Authors should send all submissions and resubmissions to JRS to [email protected].
Some articles are dealt with by the editors immediately, but most are read by outside referees. For submissions that are sent to referees, we try to complete the evaluation process within three months.
As a general rule, JRS operates a double-blind peer review process in which the reviewer’s name is withheld from the author and the author’s name is withheld from the reviewer. Reviewers may at their own discretion opt to reveal their name to the author in their review, but our standard policy is for both identities to remain concealed.
Within reasonable limits we will referee articles which do not strictly conform to JRS style requirements. Absolute technical requirements in the first round are: ample line spacing throughout (1.5 or double), an abstract, adequate documentation using the author-date citation system and an alphabetical reference list, and a word count on the front page (include all elements in the word count).
What do we want to see in submissions to Journal of Resistance Studies?
JRS receives more submissions than we can possible publish. Most of them are good articles with high academic standards. But that is not enough for the editorial board to accept them for publication. As a journal for a relatively new academic field it is important for us to publish texts that contribute to developing this specific field with theoretical ideas, high quality empirical material, interesting analysis, and/or cases from a wide spectra of societal contexts.
Crucial for inclusion in JRS is a clear focus on resistance and how acts of resistance influence power relations. That means that what constitute “resistance” and “power” (or “domination”) and how they relate need to be analyzed. It is important to understand that JRS is not simply one more journal on “social movements”. See our Policy Statement for more details.